

Workshops and Events

Butte College FKCE workshops and trainings are free and open to all!

In-person classes are held at the Butte College Skyway Center - 2480 Notre Dame Blvd, Chico, CA 95928.

All classes are subject to cancellation and may be cancelled due to lack of pre-registration. Please check website for updates.

Download December Calendar

Grandparents as Parents

Grandparents as Parents is a support group of caregivers that are currently raising or have raised their grandchildren or another person's children. This group meets to provide support and information, as well as share personal experiences, with one another. It is open to any foster parent or anyone who is raising someone else's child.

First and third Thursday of the month, 11:00am – 1:00pm
(Important Notice: No Meeting on 11/7)

Butte College Skyway Center  (Room 134) - 2480 Notre Dame Blvd, Chico


*Class schedule subject to change. Please check for updates.

Coming in 2025:

For our current Resource Family Approval (RFA) class schedule, click here.

Visit our Facebook page:

Content editor:
Kristin Curry